Cosmic Lab
Cosmic Lab is being developed as an initiative of Cosmic Tribe to promote and inspire space and astronomy-related education. Space and Astronomy present enormous excitement and opportunities for schools to grasp; in terms of related curriculum and hands-on projects for students to get involved in. Build a diverse future STEAM ‘Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math’ workforce by engaging students in authentic learning experiences with COSMIC LAB

Cosmic Art
Cosmic Tribe is working on interdisciplinary space, astronomical, dark sky art projects to inspire the audience in space through art activities. Cosmic Tribe is the only Pakistani organization working on Space & Astronomical Art, and also an associate member organization of IAAA - International Association of Astronomical Artists

Dark Sky
places where the darkness of the night sky is relatively free of interference from artificial light.” We are educating people about protecting the night sky through training programs and consultancy

Yuri's Night: The World Space Party
Yuri's Night. Yuri's Night is a celebration of the power of space to bring the world together.

International Dark Sky Week
International Dark Sky Week is held during the week of the new moon in April, when people worldwide may turn off their lights to observe the beauty of the night sky without light pollution.

International Astronomy Day
International Astronomy Day is a way for astronomy enthusiasts and professionals to share their knowledge and love of outer space with the general public.

International Day of Light
The International Day of Light is celebrated on 16 May each year, the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960 by physicist and engineer, Theodore Maiman.

International Moon Day
Celebrated on July 20 of every year. It honors the man who first walked on the moon in 1969.

World Space Week
World Space Week is held annually from 4 to 10 October to celebrate the scientific and technological advancements that have been instrumental to the benefit of human lives.